Test Setup

 Advanced Features

  Test Options Header Graphic
  Window Display Options Making Outside Links
  Student Access Options Results Pages
  Background Color  
To edit anything about a test other than the test questions themselves, click the Edit Test Setup button.

Test Title

  • The Test Name field is for entering the name the test. It is a long field so you can use descriptive names. You can enter spaces, but do not use apostrophe or quotation marks. This name  appears on the top of the test when it displays in the browser. 

    • It is often useful to prefix test names with a number such as 111-Title. Then use the same number 111 as the Passcode. This makes it easy to remember the Passcode and also organizes the tests when they are displayed in the Test List according to the order of the codes.

  • The Subtitle field is where you enter a description of the Title to make it clearer to students what the test is all about. It will appear on the top of all tests below the title.

  • The Test ID field is where you can enter an identification code  for this test.

    • The ID must consist of 1 word only and may not contain any spaces.

    • It can include numbers or even the underscore. For example, 123, A123, Test_1, and Test_One are all acceptable test codes. But "Test One" or anything with a space is not acceptable.

    • The Test ID is required to identify a test when a student wants to take it. If a link is made to the test from course materials, it must contain this code along with the test and the Student Area names. Click HERE for more information on making these links.

  • The Author field is where you enter the name of the person designing the test.

  • The Student Instructions field appears at the top of the test under the title. It can be as long as you need to explain to the student how to take the test. Hyperlinks can be added both here and in the test questions themselves using simple HTML commands. The heading can also be used to present a problem or case study about which the test questions relate.

Email Results

  • The two Email Results fields, when filled in with an email address, will send a copy of the Test Results to the email addresses entered without the test-taker knowing. For example, one could be sent to the teacher and another to the principal or supervisor.
  • The Display Email check box, when checked, displays an email field at the top of the test so the student can fill-in his or her own email address and get a copy of the Results Page.
  • The Add Questions and Answers to Email check box, when checked, adds the questions and student responses to every email sent out.
  • Note, it is possible in System Administration to specify that an additional email with test results be sent out to a designated address. This would apply to every test taken using RoboTutor on the server.

Optional Fields

The Optional Fields 1, 2, and 3 will appear at the top of the test if they are filled-in. These fields can be such things as "Teacher", "Course", "Department", etc. When students take a test, these fields appear at the top of the test and must be filled-in. Teachers can use this information to sort the database for specific information.

  • The fields can be left blank and they will not appear on the test. The information students enter into these fields go into the Student Area, but is not scored. Optional fields can be used in the reports  to sort student data.

  • To the right of each field is a button that lets you create a drop-down menu to replace the text box that would otherwise appear at the top of the test.

Selecting Questions by Category

Once you have created questions for the test, the next time you enter the Test Setup page, you will see an option for selecting questions by Category.

  • Question Category (Cat): refers to any name or number you assign a question when you create it.  For example, you may enter 200 questions for a course and organize them into subject area categories. Or you may want to base categories on difficulty levels. Category names are entered on the Question List page or on the Edit Questions page.

  • Category Number (#) When you select questions by Category, you enter how many in the "#" field. The maximum you can enter is shown under Max.

  • Order: Questions can be displayed by category or randomly mixed together.

    • To have them appear randomly, leave the Order and Heading fields blank.

    • To have them appear together, pick the order in which they are to appear.

  • Heading: Questions that appear together can have a heading displayed above them. Enter the words for this heading in the "Heading" field.

Custom Fields

  • The Cut-Off point for Passing is the score a student must get to pass the test. After students take a test, a Results Page appears that tells whether the student passed or failed the test.

  • The Time Limit in Minutes field controls whether the student has a restricted amount of time to take the test. If any number greater than 0 is put in this box, then a timer will appear on the test that shows the time remaining in minutes. If the time expires before the student finishes the test, then the test is automatically scored and entered into the student record. All questions not answered are scored as wrong. Note, a time remaining display appears on all tests when this feature is turned on and floats in the upper right corner as the page is scrolled up and down.

  • The Number of Questions Selected requires you enter a number greater than 0 and no greater than the number of questions you will have in the test. This is the number of questions that will appear on the test.  The default is ALL and means to use all the questions that are entered into the database for that test.

*Do NOT use the back button on your browser to navigate around or you may get error messages, especially in Netscape.

Advanced Features

There are a number of optional enhanced features organized into a separate section called Advanced Features. You can access it by clicking the Advanced Features button on the bottom of the test setup page.

Click on "Save" to save your changes

  • Click "Cancel" to exit to the previous page.

  • Click the Set as Default button to make your changes the default for all other tests.

  • Do NOT use the back button on your browser to navigate around the Administration pages or you may get error messages.

Test Options

  • RANDOMIZE Questions.  If this field is checked, then all the choices below each question are randomly presented to the student. If you do not check it, then the choices are presented in the same order at which they are entered into the database.

  • TRANSCRIPT: Designate this test for printing on student transcript. A number of menu options in Student Administration let you select just the transcript tests for use in various analyses.

  • COMMENTS: Put a student comments box at the end of the test.  If this field is  checked, a text area field will appear at the end of the test that invites students to make comments or complaints about anything they want. The data is entered into the Test Area, but otherwise not scored.

  • BORDERS: Remove borders from around test questions. This option is very useful in Surveys and tests where space is at a premium. If you are only going to print the test for use in the classroom, you have the option to remove borders at that time.

  • DISPLAY QUESTIONS on screen   at a time. If this option is checked, then you can specify how many questions you want displayed on the screen at one time.

    • Normally, the range is from 1 to 30. If DISPLAY QUESTIONS is not checked, then any test with more than 30 questions (upper limit) is automatically displayed in sets equal to 30.

      • Note, the System Administrator can change the upper limit of 30 by modifying the Header.asp.

    • If there are multiple Categories and they are set to display in a specified order, then each screen will contain only the questions from one Category at a time.

    • TUTORIAL: Check this box if you want  the test presented in tutorial format. 

      • Each question is displayed on the screen 1 at a time and immediately scored before the next question appears. The student can get feedback concerning why an answer is wrong.

      • Show Tutorial explanations: Check this box if you plan to enter explanations when you create the questions.

    • Display the Back button so students can return to the test after it is scored. Sometimes it is very useful to let student return back to the test.

      • In Tutorial mode, the student returns to the first question missed.

  • FREQUENCY: Number of times a student may take this test. If set at 0, then it is unlimited. If set at 1, then a student can only take it once, and so on.

  • RESTRICT ACCESS to Students with a passing score in the following test: The drop-down menu lists all the tests in the database (except the one you are currently editing).  If you select one of these tests, then students cannot take the test you are editing until they have a passing score on the test you select in the drop-down menu.  This feature makes it possible to string any number of tests together so students must take them in a specified order.

Window Display Options

  • Show the browser MENU BAR:  If this field is checked, then the test will appear in a regular browser window. All the usual buttons such as the "Back" button and "Print" button will be at the top of the screen. If you don't check this box, then the test will appear in a new window without any of these buttons. If you check this option, then you can also have the Results Page display the incorrect answers for a test. Students use the back button on the browser to return to the test and fix the errors.

    • Return student to page with original test link: Check this box if you are linking to a test from another web page, Power Point presentation, or Word document. Have your original link open the Log-In page in a NEW window. By checking this box, the test will open in the same window as the Log-In page. When the student closes it at the end, he will be returned to the page with the original test link.

      • Remove the CLOSE WINDOW button: Check this box if only if the original link to the Log-In page does NOT open in a NEW window. Put a link at the bottom of the Results page to where you want the student to go next.

Student Access Options

When students go to the Log-In page, they are required to enter their name and password. The teacher has the option to set that up in advance, in which case the student must enter it exactly as the teacher did. Or the teacher can let the student enter a new name that is not currently in the student database.

  • If the 1st button is checked (the default), the student can enter a new name. A page will then appear that asks if it is correct. It also asks the student to enter the password again for confirmation. This is useful when the teacher has new students and no time to setup the names.
  • If the 2nd button is checked, the student can enter a new name, but no confirmation is requested. This is useful when doing surveys.
  • If the 3rd button is checked, the name and password must be entered in advance by the teacher and the student cannot access a test unless it is spelled exactly the same.

Background Color

  • Background Color is followed by a drop-down menu that lets you specify the background color for the test. The default is white. The color appears only if no background graphic has been selected.

  • Background Graphic lets you specify a background graphic for this test. This graphic can be uploaded from your own hard drive using Option 1 or linked to a background on the web using Option 2.

    • To upload from your hard drive, click on the Browse button and locate the graphic on your hard drive. When you save the test, the graphic is uploaded to the server and saved in the database. The maximum size of this graphic is 25,000 bytes.

Header Graphic

The Header Graphic option lets you specify an animation, logo, or image to appear above or to the left of the test title. This is what students will first see when the take a test.

  • Option 1 lets you specify a graphic on the web. To use this option, put the URL in this field and click Test Link to make sure it is a good link. It is assumed this graphic is wide and so it is placed above the title to the test.

  • Option 2 lets you locate a graphic on your own hard drive and upload it to the Test Area.  This graphic is assumed to be small (max=25,000 bytes) and to the left of the title and with a border around both. To remove this graphic, click the Remove button.

    • Note, the graphic will appear on the page the next time to reload it.

  • If both Options 1 and 2 are selected, then Option 2 takes precedence.

Results Pages

Click the Setup button to configure exactly how you want this page to look. After setting up the Results Page, you will be returned to the Advanced Features page.

There are 3 types of Results Pages that can be displayed:

  • A Results Page with Scores presents the student's name and score.

    • When Students Pass the Test:

      • The student's name appears at the top of the page.

      • Below the name you can insert a line of your choice such as "Congratulations! You passed the test!"

      • Below this line you can insert a graphic. Six animations are available to choose from, you can specify a link to an address on the web, or you can upload a graphic to the Test Area.  The default is the jumping frog.

      • The test name and date appear next.

      • Below this line you can insert two more lines if you want.

      • A line across the screen displays next. Below it you can specify a final line. You can put the name of your institution here or enter a link.

        • <a href="http://www.yourURL.com/courses/taketest.asp">Take Test</a>

        • Change the text in red to be what you want the link to say.

        • Change the text in blue to be the address to the page where you want students to go when clicking on the link.

      • You can used HTML basic codes to modify any text in the Result's page.

      • Finally, you can specify a sound file. This file must be located somewhere on the web. The default is a midi file in the "media" folder. There is no option to upload a sound file from your PC.

    • When students fail the test, the options are almost identical to the above.

      • The default for the 1st line below the name is "A Score of 80%...."

        • It doesn't matter what percent you put this line, it is automatically changed to match the actual passing percentage point when the test is scored.

    • Display Category Scores on the Results Page.

      • This option, when checked, displays on the Result's page how the student did in EACH category in addition to the overall score.

    • Have Results Page provide feedback on questions answered incorrectly.  If checked, this option will put a button on the bottom of the Results Page.

      • When clicked, it will display one of these three:

        1. Show questions missed

        2. Show questions missed and correct answers

        3. Show questions missed and tutorial comments

      • No matter which one of the above is selected, it will always display any Commentary that has been added to each question.

        • The Commentary is opened by clicking on the hyperlinked number of the question to the left.

    • At the bottom of the screen:

      • You have the option to view the Results Page you have designed, both Passing and Failing.

      • You can save your changes so they become the default the next time anyone designs a test using this database.

      • You can click Submit and simply save your changes for this test only.

  • A Results Page with Thank You is generally used with Sliding Continuum surveys and does not give the student's name or score. This Results Page does not give the student's name and score. It is designed for use with Surveys and others types of tests where a displayed score is not desirable.

    • At the top of the page you have the option to specify what the page header says: the default is "Thank You."

    • As with other Results Pages, you can pick an animations or upload a graphic.

    • You can specify 3 lines below the graphic.

    • A line across the screen displays at the bottom. Below it you can specify a final line. You can put the name of your institution here or enter a link.

      • <a href="http://www.yourURL.com/courses/taketest.asp">Take Test</a>

      • Change the text in red to be what you want the link to say.

      • Change the text in blue to be the address to the page where you want students to go when clicking on the link.

    • You can used HTML basic codes to modify any text in the Result's page.

    • When you are finished with the design work, you save it as the default for everyone else who will use this Test Area, you can view the page, or simply save it for use with this test.

  • A Results Page with Certificate presents the student with a Certificate if the test is passed and his name and score if the test is not passed.

    • When Students pass the test a certificate appears:

      • You can specify at the top the title on the certificate. If you want a specific font, color, or size, HTML commands can be used.

      • As with other Results Pages, you can specify a graphic already on the web or upload one to the Test Area.

      • Below the graphic you can specify a number of lines to appear on the certificate.

      • You can add links to the end of the Results Page or to the instructions at the top of a test. Simply enter the following code.

        • <a href="http://www.yourURL.com/courses/taketest.asp">Take Test</a>

        • Change the text in red to be what you want the link to say.

        • Change the text in blue to be the address to the page where you want students to go when clicking on the link.

      • You can used HTML basic codes to modify any text in the Result's page.

    • When Students fail the test a regular Results page with the student name and score appears:
      • This page is setup in the same way as described above under Results Page with Scores.
      • The default for the 1st line below the name is "A Score of 80%...."
        • It doesn't matter what percent you put this line, it is automatically changed to match the actual passing percentage point when the test is scored.
      • When you are finished with the design work, you can save it as the default for everyone else who will use this Test Area, view the page, or simply save it for use with this test.

Making Outside Links

It is possible and often very desirable to make links to other web pages directly from within a test. This feature is often used in Tutorial format so students can use other sites to look up answers to the questions. Such links also serve as a supplement to the learning materials provided in the test tutorial. There are 6 places where such outside links can be entered:

  • STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: At the top of the test the instructions to the student can be customized when setting up a test. To access this option, click Test Setup from the Question List page. One or more links can be put here that reference other web pages. These links would be used throughout the test.

  • TEST QUESTIONS: All 10 question types have an area at the top for writing the question. One or more test links can also be put here that reference other web pages. These links would be used only for this specific question.

  • TUTORIAL COMMENTS: When writing specific test questions it is possible to enter comments that the student can view when he or she answers a question incorrectly. One or more test links can also be put here that reference other web pages.

  • EXTENDED COMMENTARY: When writing specific test questions it is possible to enter an extended commentary that the student can view when he or she answers a question incorrectly or at the end of the test.. One or more test links can also be put here that reference other web pages.

  • CATEGORY HEADINGS: A test can be designed so it has multiple categories with various questions assigned to each. In Test Setup it is possible to enter headings the precede the placement of questions in these categories on the tests. This is often done when 2 or more questions refer to a specific story or other materials. These headings can also have one or more test links to outside web pages in them.

  • RESULTS PAGES: The Results Pages can be customized with up to 3 lines of writing. These lines usually contain only test. But it is also possible for them to contain links to other pages. For example, it may be desirable to put a link to pages where additional material can be found or where the next course begins.

HOW DO YOU MAKE AN OUTSIDE LINK? You simply type in the following code along with the other information you want to provide. It will look like this in your test: For more information, Click Here.

For more information, <a target="_blank" href="http://www.robotutor.com/default.htm">Click Here</a>.

  • The part in red is what you will see in the test. The link itself is the words that following the URL. You can change this for your application needs.
  • The part in blue is the address. You need to change this address to the one where you want the students to go.
  • The part in black is HTML that you must type as shown. Do NOT change it. It is not seen in the test. It is what makes it all work.