Records & Reports


There are 8 reports provided for analysis of data for the logged-in Test Area and any designated Student Area:

Individual Tracking Records

This report provides detailed information about tests a specific student has taken in this Test Area.

  • You need to first select the student.
  • If there are a limited number of students in the database, a drop down menu will appear with their names in it. Select the student you want.
  • If there are many students in the database, a form will appear where you can enter the student's last name.
    •  Enter the first few letters of the students last name followed by the % sign. Click Submit.
  • The individual Tracking page will appear where you can select the tests to view the student's record.

The next page lets you select a student, a test, and then view the record.

  • First, select the student from the drop-down menu.
  • Second, select what you want the report to include.
    • check if you want include the answers the student chose when taking the test.
    • check if you want the highest score only when a student took a test more than once.
    • check if you want to show any comments the student may have added to the end of the test.
  • Third, check the tests you want to include in the report. Then click Submit.

Group Tracking Records

This report lists either tests and all the students who took them or students and all the tests they took. It produces tables that can be exported to other programs.

  • To list students and all the tests they took:
    • Click the List by Student option.
    • Select whether you want to display student answers to each test question.
    • If a test was taken more than once, select whether you want only the test with the highest score or every test displayed.
    • If students were required to take certain tests and did not take some of them, click Assign a 0 in the Combined Overall Average to tests not taken. They will be given a 0 on all tests not taken.
      • Note, if this option is selected, then only the highest test scores are displayed.
  • To list tests and all the students who took them:
    • Click the List by Test button.
    • Select whether you want to list student names with their individual scores or show only combined averages.
  • If you want to specify the student, click the Selected Students option.
  • If you want to specify the tests, click the Selected Tests option.
  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to tests taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of tests that list Teachers, Courses, etc. If there are any optional fields setup in the database, they will automatically appear.

    • To track students for a specific teacher, select that teacher from the Optional fields.

    • To track students for a specific period of a specific teacher, select both of these criteria in the Optional Fields.

  • If you want to export your student data to use in other software, such as a grading program, spreadsheet, etc., here are 9 simple steps to follow:

    1. Select Group Tracking and then click the List by TEST option.

    2. Click the Selected Students button at the top if you want to pick the students.

    3. Click the Selected Tests button at the top if you want to select the tests.

    4. Do NOT click the Show Student Answers box under List by Test.

    5. Click Submit at the bottom. The Report is generated.

    6. Scroll down to the test you want and select everything from the Test Name to the Combined Average Score.

    7. Go to Edit > Copy and copy it.

    8. Now open Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program.

    9. Go to Edit > Paste Special, select HTML and paste it into the spreadsheet. If the only option presented is bitmap, repeat until you see the HTML option.

  • To import the test records into another program:

    • Go to the Help menu in your grading program and print out the instructions on the format you need to import from another program.

    • Modify the RoboTutor data you imported into the spreadsheet to match the grading program. You may need to add and delete rows or columns.

    • Use File > Save As to export it in the format your grading program requires.

Question Analysis Report

This report lets you analyze how students responded to the questions in any specific test:

  • Students/Employees: You have the option to select all or specific test takers

  • .
  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to tests taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of tests that list Teachers, Courses, etc. If there are any optional fields setup in the database, they will automatically appear.

    • To track test takers for a specific teacher, select that teacher from the Optional fields.

    • To track test takers for a specific period of a specific teacher, select both of these criteria in the Optional Fields.

  • The report displays in tables or bar graphs every question and how many times each option was selected.

    • For multiple choice question types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10, the number of times each option was chosen is presented. Correct answers for question types 1, 2, 3, 4 (multiple choice) and 10 (survey) are marked in green.

    • For Fill-in-the-blank and Essay questions, it displays the number of times each of the correct answers (key words) was selected.

    • For question types 5 to 9, it only shows the number of times each answer was chosen.

  • Click Enter and a page appears where you can select the specific test from this database that you want analyzed.

  • Printing: To print the colors which show the correct answers, you must turn on the Print Background features in your browser.

    • In IE this is done by selecting Tools > Internet Options. Click the Advanced Tab and scroll down to Printing. Then check the box that says "Print Background Colors and Images."

    • You can also select the entire page, copy it, and then paste it into Word and then print it there. This resolves the issue of background colors.

Survey Analysis Report

This report lets you analyze how students responded to the questions in any specific survey:

  • Participants: You have the option to select all or specific survey participants

  • .
  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to surveys taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of the survey.

  • The report displays in tables every question and how many times each option was selected.

    • For multiple choice question types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10, the number of times each option was chosen is presented. Since it is possible to have a "Correct" response, that is shown in green and can be used or ignored if not relevant.

    • For Fill-in-the-blank and Essay questions, it displays whatever participants write in the fields.

    • For grouped question types 7 to 9, it shows the number of times each option was chosen.

  • Click Enter and a page appears where you can select the specific survey from this database that you want analyzed.

  • Printing: To print the colors which show the correct answers, you must turn on the Print Background features in your browser.

    • In IE this is done by selecting Tools > Internet Options. Click the Advanced Tab and scroll down to Printing. Then check the box that says "Print Background Colors and Images."

    • You can also select the entire page, copy it, and then paste it into Word and then print it there. This resolves the issue of background colors.

Test Analysis Report

This report produces a statistical summary for a specific test:

  • You have the option to select all or specific students

  • .
  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to tests taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of tests that list Teachers, Courses, etc. If there are any optional fields setup in the database, they will automatically appear.

    • To track students for a specific teacher, select that teacher from the Optional fields.

    • To track students for a specific period of a specific teacher, select both of these criteria in the Optional Fields.

  • The results can be sorted by date, alphabetical order, or score.

  • Click Enter and a page appears where you can select the specific test from this database that you want analyzed.

  • A report is produced that lists each student, date of test, time spent taking the test, the number right and wrong, and score.

  • Statistical information is produced at the bottom of the report that gives the class mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.

Student Certificates

This page produces a certificate that lists the tests from this Test Area in which a student demonstrates competencies:

  • Choose All or Selected tests.

  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to tests taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of tests that list Teachers, Courses, etc. If there are any optional fields setup in the database, they will automatically appear.

    • To track students for a specific teacher, select that teacher from the Optional fields.

    • To track students for a specific period of a specific teacher, select both of these criteria in the Optional Fields.

  • Click Submit.

  • Select the specific graphic to display.

    •  Note, to have it appear on this or future pages, click the Set as Default button on the bottom.

  • Add/edit the titles and wording.

  • Select the tests to include on the certificate.

    • Note, only tests will appear as options for which the student has a passing score.

  • Select whether to include Scores and Comments on the page.

  • Select what signatures should be included at the bottom.

    • Note, to exclude a signature, leave it blank.

  • Select the way you want the certificate appear:

    • Select the border width and color

    • Select the height

    • Select the space between tests

  • Click Submit and the actual certificate is displayed for printing.

    • If it does not print as desired, return to the certificate setup page and try other settings.

  • You can used HTML basic codes to modify any text in the Result's page.

Student Comments

This report produces a list  of Comments given by selected students on selected tests:

  • You have the option to select specific students and tests.

  • The Date Range, if filled in, restricts the analysis to tests taken during those dates. If you enter just a start date, then it is everything after that date.

  • Optional Fields refer to the drop down menus that can be setup to appear at the top of tests that list Teachers, Courses, etc. If there are any optional fields setup in the database, they will automatically appear.

    • To track students for a specific teacher, select that teacher from the Optional fields.

    • To track students for a specific period of a specific teacher, select both of these criteria in the Optional Fields.

  • Click Submit and the report is displayed.

    • It lists each test selected.

    • Under each test are the names of students with their comments.

Custom Score Tests

This features makes it possible for a teacher to custom score any or all questions in a test after students have taken the test. This is particularly valuable with essays questions and where the correct choice was ambiguous or wrong.

  • Check "Edit test with highest test scores only" when students have taken a test more than once. Otherwise you will be editing every time the student took the test.

  • Check "Select Students" if you want to pick the students whose tests scores are to be custom scored.  Otherwise you will get every student who took the test.

  • If you want to restrict your changes to tests taken within a specified time period, enter dates in the Date Range fields.

  • If your tests used Optional Drop-Down menus at the top, then select the option you are looking for.

The data entry page makes it possible to change the score a specific student received on one or more questions.

  • The question is shown on the left.
  • To the right is the answer the student gave to that question.
  • The "Old" column shows what score the student received on that question by the computer.
  • The "New" column lets you give that student a new score in the range from 0 to 100.
    • If the field is left blank, then the original score is retained.
  • Click Submit. A new overall total for the test is calculated and put in the student record.
    • Note, the original answer of the student is not changed. Only the overall total is actually modified. If you access this option again with the same student, it will show the old score for the question, not the new one.
    • Note, due to the fact scores are summed up in a different order using this feature than they are when tests are normally scored, it is possible that sometimes, due to the effects of rounding, the overall total may be off by 1 percent.
  • If you selected more than one student, the next student's name will appear on the top of the page.
    • Continue changing scores on the questions specified.
  • A summary of your changes will appear after all student scores have been modified.