Our Guarantee
Its simple:
Either you are satisfied with RoboTutor TestCreator
or you get your money back!


After we install or ship the software, you have 60 days to install it on your computers and test it out. If you are not completely satisfied that the program will meet your needs, and if we cannot resolve whatever problems you are having, we will refund the full price of the software.

We guarantee:
1   You have 60 days from the time of shipping to install and tryout the software
2   If you experience any problems in installation or application, notify us to see if we can help you resolve the problems.
3   If you ask for a refund, you will be required to sign a statement guaranteeing us that the software has been removed from all computers onto which it was installed and that all copies of the software have been returned to us or destroyed.
4   Since in sending the software to you, we have revealed our code and design techniques, you will be required when asking for a refund to sign a statement that says you will not create other software to accomplish the same purposes within 1 year of the return date.
5   We will not make any refunds after 45 days.
We will tell you up front:
  EXACTLY what our services will cost
  EXACTLY what the software will and will not do
  EXACTLY what we will and will not do

We have designed RoboTutor to meet or exceed the expectations and needs of our current clients. If there are things that you absolutely need and the software does not provide, we may create those enhancements for you in our on-going development of the program without charge or we will offer to do them for you for a fee if we determine that such features would not be of general interest to our other clients. You always have the option to return the software as specified above.